[MCR] Curtain Call, SLipstream and areas of alpine interest

Subject: [MCR] Curtain Call, SLipstream and areas of alpine interest
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2006 09:43:57 -0800
Reports of slipstream being in shape might have been good, however new snow over the last 48+ hours form an isolated cell came in with some moderate winds on Sunday night and closed the window for now.

Climbed curtain call on monday, given its northern aspect it is in awesome shape.

Weeping wall still looks good form the road but closer inspection reveals a 3 to four inches of sugar over variable ice on the lower section. Still climbable but protection would require longer screws or much cleaning. Early start and retreat is recommended. The circus is still looking good but same ice conditions as weeping wall might be found in areas. Again early start and retreat.

Howe's Peak area: Well still lots of snow and winter is still holding on. Have observed several small to mid size slides along the eastern aspect of this group. No visible slab action, mostly loose snow, probably triggered by ice or cornice failure all were located on steep terrain and gully features. Things are shedding and a few good lines are shaping up. If no new significant snow shows up a few weeks might sweep the landscape enough to improve travel and allow for some good calculated adventures.

Good hunting

Patrick Delaney

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