Just spent 5 days in behind Mt Robson at Rearguard meadows from July
28 to Aug 1. Generally unsettled weather and very windy most days. I
would guestimate from 20-60cm at upper elevations. Mt Robson looked very snowy.
The 31st was the only decent day with a freeze. Most nights had
strong winds and rain mixed with snow. We did a quick fly by the
mousetrap and saw some huge debris right into the flats. There is a
huge crevasse at the top of the slope that looks sporting for sure.
One party looked to have climbed Resplendant but we never talked to
them. We only crossed footprints. They were camped right at the
bottom of the mousetrap. We had one attempt on the Torch but turned
around near the summit. There was quite a bit of new snow in lee
depressions and none in others. Last night there was again very
strong winds and significant rain mixed with snow. It was
accumulating above 8000 feet.
Another note was there was quite a bit of new icefall activity over
the last few days, a good one on Resplendant. in the East cirque.
Peter Amann
Mountain Guiding
Box 1495, Jasper AB, T0E 1E0
780 852 3237
cell 780 931 2521
top of mousetrap from air.jpg
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looking down mousetrap from air.jpg
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robson nface fuhrer ridge.jpg
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