A dozen people on Mt Edith Cavell today (Sunday).
East ridge (see pic): Excellent condition. Can step around the snow patches
but ice axe required for final snow step to summit. West side descent is in
good condition. Reports of a grizzly bear in the area for the walk out.
North face East summit (see pic): Generally good climbing condition.
However, the climbing party reports loose chossy rock, as expected in the
Rockies, with the odd death orb whizzing by. Slushy snow over ice in spots.
Some water flowing but can avoid it mostly. Cornice at the top is ~100'
wide and overhanging ~12' in spots but straight forward to get around on
left. Cornice is suspect for failure with the continuing warm weather as
they report it was looking a little tenious. A bit of a hazard for anyone
below it.
(See attached file: resize_Eridgecavell_080817.jpg) (See attached file:
resize_CavellNface_080817.JPG)(See attached file:
Garth Lemke
Public Safety Warden
ACMG Assistant Ski Guide
Garde de parc, Sécurité publique
Guide de ski auxiliaire, Association des guides de montagne canadiens
Jasper National Park of Canada | Parc national du Canada Jasper
Parks Canada | Parcs Canada
P.O. Box 10, Jasper AB T0E 1E0 | C.P. 10, Jasper (Alberta) T0E 1E0
Telephone | Téléphone 780-852-6158
Facsimile | Télécopieur 780-852-6135
Cellular Phone | Téléphone cellulaire 780-852-8811
Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada
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These observations and opinions are those of the person who submitted them. The
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