Started out for Super Bock today, Jan 2nd. I had three settlements and wumpfs between the Trans Canada Highway and the CPR tracks east of the Mt Stephen tunnel. Half way up the approach gully to the route I got another wumpf and settlement, they'd all described about a 2-3 meter radius around me. We decided that the mountain was talking to us and we skeddadled to Guiness Gully, where I knew there would be a well established track (not the case at Super Bock). My concern was releasing a small slab in the steeper snow slopes of Super Bock, not a concern given the traffic on Guiness, having said that we were the only people on Guiness today.
Happy trails Barry Blanchard UIAGM/IFMGA Mountain Guide 1 403 609 4615 cell 1 403 609 1321  
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