Attempted the Sea of Vapours yesterday, Dec 22nd, with my fellow
Mountain Guide, Steve Holeczi. The Postscriptum approach/first pitch
is in good shape with good gear. We opted to belay off of screws 3
meters below the old and rusted bolt station at a place where it is
possible to stand in balance if you brace your back to the rock. We
traversed to the Sea at this level with the leader enjoying overhead
pro on one of our two ropes. There is a move or two of egg shell ice/
mixed across the traverse. !0 meters of thinish steep climbing and
the Sea gets deep and blue, albeit a bit brittle yesterday. A virus
mounted a second attack on Steve's guts one pitch below the top and
we were able to push the highpoint reached by the only other party on
the route this year (the day before. Posted on Gravsports) one meter
higher. Like them we were faced with some wetness there, but I think
we could have threaded the needle were it not for Steve dry heaving.
Happy trails,
Barry Blanchard
Mountain Guide

December 22/10

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