Excellent north facing skiing along the west side of the Banff-Jasper highway
today. COLD air in the morning on waterfowl lake and moderate south winds from
late morning on kept it cool.
Suncrust on any sun-exposed slopes east through west. Ski crampons were REALLY
useful. Corn snow may be coming soon to steep south faces. Lots of spindrift in
the big walls and gullies on Howse and Synge. BIG cornices along that ridge.
Generally, the Rockies still feel wintery and I think the snowpack has yet to
feel a REALLY hot day. We skied some fairly big, long open slopes to 45+
degrees and felt good about it. I would, however, pull in the reins and be
cautious on the first REALLY hot day.
Larry Stanier
ACMG/IFMGA Mountain Guide
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