I guided an attempt on the Greenwood/Locke route on the North Face of Mt Temple yesterday, August 8th. We had good conditions on the route up to the "..secondary icefield to the right ..." (Selected Alpine Climbs in the Canadian Rockies). Sad to see that what use to be a contiguous snow coulior, when I climbed it in the mid 80's and 1990, is now interrupted by rock ledges of rubble. We retreated from the 'secondary icefield' due to aggravation of a past injury. The lower snow gully was rappelled off of snow bollards the whole way, good to see some mature summer snow in the Rockies!
Of note is a HUGE cornice sitting right on top of the route. It didn't break my heart to not sleep under it as we were planning to bivy (photos below).
Happy trails, Barry Blanchard Mountain Guide www.barryblanchard.ca www.yamnuska.com
 from the secondary icefield
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