I spent the weekend in the Mystery Creek area and also skied out to Tremor Mt today. On both trips I found good skiing on N slopes above 2100m. A few cm of new snow is now on top of a faceting old wind slab. South aspects have a solid crust and ski crampons are useful. Today I found the the Alpine Hazard was Moderate. Some thin wind slabs have accumulated in the alpine. Cornices are big but the colder temperatures kept everything solid.
From a distance I saw the most interesting looking glide crack near the top of Decker Mt NE Side. It is just N of the heli ski stakes. At the top of the Decker heliski run. There is a shrund there most summers. Be careful if you ski that line!
Dave Sarkany
DSK Guiding

ACMG Ski Guide
SKGABC Level 3 Sea Kayak Guide