had a good day in Hospital bowl, with generally good conditions.
we did encounter a new snow instability in an area with recent windloading. in
a small gully leading down from the South ridge of Ursus Minor Peak, SE aspect,
around 2500m, we had a skier accidental size 1.5, running on a thin crust with
small facets above. the crown was only 10-20cm deep where triggered, but
pulled out deeper in a small, adjacent gully, aprox 40 -50 cm deep. the slab
was quite soft, but had just enough cohesion to propagate across the entire
gully, then pick up mass and eventually stop mid fan in Ursus Minor Bowl. we
had expected to have some reaction with the new load, as we had a moderate
clean hand shear in similar snow conditions in a wind loaded feature around
2300m. first person entering the gully initiated a good ski cut across to the
far side with no reaction. it was the 2nd person in who triggered it, with the
fracture initiating at the skis, then pulling out above the traverse line aprox
1-2m. the skier was able to ski to one side & allow the mass to pass by
harmlessly. see first pic.
a little bit of a heads up that there isolated areas of poor bond with this new
snow, and that the soft slab is good skiing, but is maintaining enough cohesion
to help with propagation in isolated areas.
video peak was well skied today, with upwards of 15+ riders making their mark.
many a random shriek of joy reverberated around the bowl today. see the 2nd pic
dave healey, sg

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