Today I went with two friends to just below the summit of the 8812 Peak at the
Rogers Pass. Overall we found excellent skiing conditions with the top 40cm
less consolidated snow. Ski penetration was in most areas 25cm to 30cm and foot
penetration 55cm. Pole probing showed in all elevations and aspects minor
inconstancy in the upper snowpack. Test snow-profile at the Balu Pass
head-wall, elevation 2020m aspect east (lee-slope), HS 185cm, showed no shear
results with "sudden planar" or " sudden collapse". Moderate shear result down
50cm on storm interface, on the November 6th crust shovel shear test and
compression test showed an uneven shovel-test and hard compression test with
"resistant planar" (one finger melt-freeze over a 1cm knife minus crust). While
skiing no signs of weaknesses such as whumphing or cracking has been observed.
We had an excellent day of skiing the most amazing powder and good lines. Lots
of skiers took advantage of this perfect day, skiing great powder slopes at
Rogers Pass.
Enjoy the powder.
Ruedi Beglinger
I.F.M.G.A. Mountain Guide
Selkirk Mountain Experience

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