Informalex -- Editing Photos Down to Size

From Mon Oct 20 23:39:57 2003
Date: Sat, 18 Oct 2003 09:46:52 -0700
From: Jordy.Shepherd (you can get his email address via the rockies informalex list page)
To: Tom Wolfe
Subject: Photo Software


Here is a copy of the application that I use: Irfanview

It is freeware, available to anyone. I use it daily, for resizing photos, viewing photos in a folder etc.

Irfanview's home page is located at (for updates, instructions, etc.)

I would also recommend downloading the plugins to allow you to play mpeg videos etc.

Once you have installed it, it is super easy to use.

This is an amazing program. The whole program fits on a floppy diskette, it is very user friendly, and it is completely free. It also uses very little RAM, so you can view large photo files quickly.

You can also convert from jpeg to bitmap or whatever by saving a photo with a different extension.

I use this as my default photo program, so that any photo I open is opened by Irfanview. Do this by hitting OPTIONS, then PROPERTIES, then EXTENSIONS, and select SELECT ALL.

For viewing .mov movie files with this software, download the plugins off the website, then install them. Then open Irfanview, hit OPTIONS, then PROPERTIES, then VIDEO/SOUND. Select USE QUICK TIME PLUGIN FOR MOV FILES. I think you have to have Quicktime installed to use this option.

Let me know if you have any questions. I use this program more than Photoshop or any other, because it is simple, fast and easy to use, and I can install it quickly on any computer. Of course, if you are using a Mac, then I don't know if this will work for you. [it won't. Use The Gimp (also free) if you're using Mac OSX - Ed.]

Keep yer tips up!
