Yesterday with 1 strong client. +2 in P lot @ 2:00AM. Decent freeze getting
cooler until 9:00 ish AM. Schrund is casual. Did 1 pitch above and then short
roped to crux in perfect boot top snow (that will change rapidly!) Crux
is "snice" with a lot of excavating of snow. Pins all covered up but not
enough for decent screws. Found a #2 metolius a ways out left.
Went down AA col which is deteriorating rapidly. Signs of recent slides all
the way to the bottom of the big slope. Things are still moving. Was really
hard snow and cold on the way down. Felt good with 1 @ 8:00AM but with 6
people at 3:00pm I would be a puckering starfish. N. Glacier looks to be in
great shape.
P.S. Any info out there as to Assiniboine conditions