[MCR] Peyto Bridge is out...no plan to replace it

Subject: [MCR] Peyto Bridge is out...no plan to replace it
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2011 17:13:19 -0600
I have just been told that the bridge into Peyto hut, the one at the start of the canyon before the moraines will not be replaced by Parks Canada. This bridge was washed out last September during a rainy period.

So for parties going in or out it will probably be best to cross the river near the inlet to Peyto lake.

I am going in at the end of the month and coming out this way and figure it will be best to stay on the left side until the narrow section a bit downstream. (the same place you have to walk in the winter for a couple of minutes) then you will have to climb around this and then drop to the creek bed again. (see picture)

I haven't actually done this but i do know that this is probably going to be the best way if the river is high (like what I expect it to be now) So if anybody does come out or go in this way, let me know.....or post to the MCR...

It may be crossable somewhere else along the way when the levels are low and you would be able to cross and get on the present summer trail. Might be a good idea to bring some crocs or sandals for hut shoes....that can work for the river crossing as well....

HOWEVER....it would be good to pass this on as you would lose quite a bit of time if you were expecting the bridge to be in, and then had to backtrack....this stream is nasty during high water levels and you just don't even want to think about it.

Peter Amann
Mountain Guide

Peter Amann

Attachment: peyto bridge.jpg
Description: JPEG image

Attachment: new route down.jpg
Description: JPEG image

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