My fellow guide, James Madden, and I went to attempt the West Ridge
of Mt Fay July 18th and 19th. Two days of scrappy weather saw us
getting rained on, and wet, on both days. Rain to the mountain tops
in this area, including Mt Temple. Some electrical storms passed
close by while we were in the hut.
The Sciesser/Lomas approach is good right now as reported by Grant
Statham in his MCR, July 15th.
We bailed on the West Ridge of Fay in the wee hours, well, we were
still in the hut, due to wind/rain and some fatigue, and concern for
snow stability given Grant's observations on the 15th. We climbed the
NW ridge of Mt Little without crampons (our whole trip was without
crampons although that would change with a solid freeze), then headed
off down the Perrin route.
The shrund below the second snowslope access to the W ridge of Fay is
opening up, the first is still cool.
Happy trails,
Barry Blanchard
Mountain Guide

Mt Fay

Mt Fay _______________________________________________
These observations and opinions are those of the person who submitted them. The
ACMG and its members take no responsibility for errors, omissions, or lapses in
continuity. Conditions differ greatly over time and space due to the variable
nature of mountain weather and terrain. Application of this information
provides no guarantee of increased safety. Do not use the Mountain Conditions
Report as the sole factor in planning trips or making decisions in the field.
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