I guided an ascent of Bourgeau Left Hand todays, Jan 15th. A cold day, keeping
hands warm was a challenge. Big gloves, big boots. We profited from the trail
that I broke into the climb last Wednesday. About 4 cms of new snow overnight
below the climb with some, but not a lot, of wind transportation and deposition.
The climb is still in good shape over all although I did hit some rock on the
first pitch due to placements deepening with traffic. Some water on the top 20
meters of the route.
A second party showed up behind us and had the great sense to wait until we
were off of the first tier before they started.
Happy trails,
Barry Blanchard
Mountain Guide

Bourgeau Left Hand, Jan 15th. First 10 meters not visible. The team who showed
up behind us topping out. _______________________________________________
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