My fellow Mountain Guide, Nick Sharpe, and I guided on Cobra Verde today, Jan
28th. The climb has seen little traffic and we were able to just make out the
shallow trough of the last party's approach trail. Easy trail plowing in the
trees with more challenge up the slope to the climb, knee to hip deep slab over
facets just below the first pitch. Yes you punch through to the ground and the
sparkling dry sugar like facets ... tedious.
We climbed the left and right sides of the first pitch. The right side is
undermined by water through it's whole 30 meters, spooky gonging. The left side
has anchored to the rock below and is a better choice. One pitch was enough for
our crew today so we didn't break up to the second pitch, although I caught a
glimpse of it through the trees, looks fine.
Happy trails,
Barry Blanchard
Mountain Guide

First pitch of Cobra Verde today, Jan 28th. _______________________________________________
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