A fine day on Mt. Tupper with Kevin Dumba.
Yesterday’s rain followed by clear skies overnight set up a bullet proof freeze on any snowpatches above 2300m., mixed with variable verglass anywhere near a water source made for some tricky walking and avoidance of any snowslope steeper than 15 degrees without crampons in the early am. By the afternoon the snow was mid boot penetration and easy walking/glissading. Not much snow left aside from the usual patches just below the ridgecrest.
Of note are the new (guessing they went in on the 13th of Aug.) bolted/chained descent anchors, that have replace the usual pile of half chewed slings around blocks in the Gendarme section and just below the summit, as well as the exposed slab near the “doghouse”.

Looking at Mt. Rodgers several crevasses are evident and more are appearing everyday – not as simple a snow slope as earlier this season.
Enjoy the rest of summer!
Scott Davis
ACMG/IFMGA Mountain Guide