I spent the weekend guiding in the Overlord Glacier area. We found good quality sking everywhere except ridge top locations, where lots of reverse scouring and loading was evident.
The snow cover over crevasses on the Overlord Glacier is considerably thinner this year than the past few years. Lots of holes in view. At the bottom of the glacier there is an average snow depth of 2m. Above 2050m the pack fattens beyond probe length. There is one new big open slot just below the high point of the Overlord Glacier, below the rock of Overlord Pk, and just under the main Spearhead Traverse line to take note of. Picture is attached.
Although we stuck to conservative ski lines on Fissile Mt some aggressive things where skied by other groups and no avalanches were triggered. We saw only one potentially new cornice related slide off the Overlord Ridge (2400m). It did not break a slab from the slope below. One recent cornice failure off the N aspect moraine at 1750 barley propagated a slab.
Dave Sarkany
DSK Guiding

ACMG Ski Guide
SKGABC Level 3 Sea Kayak Guide