[MCR] Obs Sub-Peak, Divide Cr, White Pyramid, Apr 7-9

Subject: [MCR] Obs Sub-Peak, Divide Cr, White Pyramid, Apr 7-9
Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2013 23:59:01 +0000
Spent the last few days skiing in the Rockies. A few observations for folks that might still be out touring and haven't hung up the boards:

Observation Sub-Peak, Apr 7 - the usual wind-swept affair on the west-side with decent skiing off the NE side. We managed to find some protected snow on the west side on Sunday, but it might be getting sun-torched today. Another suncrust for the next storm snow to fall on. No new avalanches observed.

Divide Cr, Apr 8 - soft slab evident lower in the drainage, but nice, mid-boot powder in upper half of run. -12 midday at the Whyte-Niblock col. Still felt like winter at tree-line and above in the Lake Louise area.

White Pyramid, Apr 9 - some obs here were: 1) touchy, thin slabs (<5cm) in the immediate lees of ridge crests  2) lots of spindrift on steep, alpine faces pouring down with the strong winds at ridgecrest. Skiing from the head of the drainage down to Epaulette Lake was in great, ankle to mid-boot powder. The crust was supportive below tree-line, making travel super-fast both in and out of the valley. Crossing the Mistaya River is easy right now, with only the occasional hole in the river ice. Good for a little while yet.

Chris Gooliaff

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