ACMG Mountain Conditions Report Summary for the Rockies and Columbia Mountains issued June 13th, 2013
ACMG Mountain Conditions Summary for the Rockies and Columbia Mountains issued June 13th, 2013.
As a gross generalization, conditions are perhaps a week or two ahead of the past few years. Travel on south and west facing slopes below treeline is reasonably snow free. North and east facing slopes have more snow below treeline and in some places there is LOTS of snow in the north facing trees. Still some winter avalanche deposits at lower elevations.
Fresh snow last night in the Rockies down to around 2200m, ridge tops on the east slope and to the Goat Ledge on Castle mountain. Report from today on Brewer's Buttress said the new snow had melted at lower elevations and on the route itself. 1m+ old snow on the summit slopes of Castle and wet sloughs were a concern in the descent gullies.
No fresh snow reported over night in the Selkirks. Today, a report from Mt Macdonald(Rogers Pass) said midday flurries melted quickly and snow conditions were excellent on the north facing Herdman couloir.
People have been getting out for some great snow climbing in the Rockies when the weather is favourable. At least some of the big snow and ice routes are currently mostly snow. Report from AA col route on Mt. Athabasca from tuesday sounded great. On wednesday at O'Hara I was moving around on good snow till noon at 2500m. It had been down to 0 degrees celsius the previous night and was a grey day, but that is still pretty good midday conditions for june. Having said that, wet avalanches were starting to run around 3pm when the sun came out.
Above 3000m it is still early spring/winter. Some cornices are still looming and with all that snow to melt there is lots of off-balance rocks on the snowy ledges just waiting to roll.
Could be a great weekend in the mountains. You know the deal-get up early, keep your eyes on the sun and the weather and be prepared to retreat rather than wishing you had.
Larry Stanier
ACMG/IFMGA Mountain Guide
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