A few shots from some recent work in the Mt Alberta area. Photos taken Aug
1, 2014.
(See attached file: Alberta 1.jpg)(See attached file: Alberta summit
ridge.jpg)(See attached file: Alberta NE ridge.jpg)(See attached file:
Alberta N Face.jpg)
Max Darrah
ACMG Mountain Guide
Visitor Safety | Sécurité Publique
Jasper National Park of Canada | Parc national du Canada Jasper
Parks Canada | Parcs Canada
P.O. Box 10, Jasper AB T0E 1E0 | C.P. 10, Jasper (Alberta) T0E 1E0
Alberta 1.jpg
Description: JPEG image
Alberta summit ridge.jpg
Description: JPEG image
Alberta NE ridge.jpg
Description: JPEG image
Alberta N Face.jpg
Description: JPEG image
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