Hi Folks,
We’ve started producing public avalanche forecasts but need any information from the field that you can provide. If you’ve been out please consider sending us a photo, video, or message at
forecaster@xxxxxxxxxxxx. Or you can call the forecasting office at 250-837-6405.
As many of you are aware, the Canadian Avalanche Centre has changed its name and logo. We are now Avalanche Canada, and the logo is below. What has not changed is our website address. We are still
www.avalanche.ca. At this address you will find our forecasts as well as other products and services in a completely new format. Most importantly, you’ll see our improved interactive map, which is the centrepiece of the
site. We’ve received some feedback that folks are having some trouble finding forecasts. A few points to keep in mind:
If you are using Internet Explorer, you’ll need to upgrade to IE 11.
The Avalanche Canada website works well with Safari, Firefox and Chrome browsers.
If you use shortcuts or favourites you’ll need to delete your old ones, which led to pages on our old website, and create new ones that link to the new website.
In the coming weeks and months we’ll be adding more data to the map and additional functionality in other areas of the site.
We are also rebuilding our mobile app. The first update has already been released. If you have our old app on your device, you will have already received (or will receive soon) an update notification that will allow you to upgrade to the
new version. Further updates are in the works and will be released in the coming weeks. These updates will improve and increase the functionality and capacity of the public observation network (now called the Mountain Information Network). Soon you’ll be able
to submit basic observations, share them with other users, and view them on a map. Future upgrades will allow detailed reports of avalanche, snowpack, and weather observations as well as incident reports. In addition to being able to do this on your mobile
device, all these functions will also be available on the web using your computer and a compatible browse.
We hope you like the new website and app. If you have feedback, let me know.

Karl Klassen – Manager
Public Avalanche Warning Service