Hello MCR Subscribers,
For over ten years ACMG members have provided professional mountain conditions observations to you via an e-mail listserve. Last year, our partner, Arc’teryx, offered to use their IT resources to develop a more modern system for providing
you with these reports. After many months of discussion and beta testing, I’m excited to tell you that the system is now live! Our members have been inputting reports for the past several weeks and we are ready to unveil it to you at
The new website has significantly improved functionality compared to our previous system. This includes:
An interactive map identifying the geo-location of postings
Greater capacity to attach photos and other media that enhance your understanding of the reports
Search filters that allow you to home in on the specific locations and types of reports you want to see
A website that is optimized for use with mobile devices and tablets
A mobile app for iOS platforms. Get it at
MCR App in the iTunes store.
(An app for android platforms may be available in the future)
An enhanced member profile page which will allow you get a better sense of who is posting each report
Capability to increase the scope internationally (we hope to encourage all mountain countries to participate in the future)
The existing MCR e-mails will continue to come to you for a while as our members transition fully to the new system, but will be phased out in a short time. Because you are currently subscribed to the MCR, you will soon begin to receive
e-mail notifications of new posts with links to the website. At that point you may unsubscribe from those e-mails if you prefer just to check the website whenever you wish.
Our partners at Parks Canada and Avalanche Canada have signed on and will continue to post avalanche-related information they believe is important for you to receive.
Arc’teryx has been amazing to work with and we hope that this robust system will not only give you superior reports but will encourage other mountain communities around the world to adopt the same kind of critical information-sharing for
which the ACMG has become known and respected.
I also wanted to give a huge shout-out to ACMG Mountain Guide Tom Wolfe for his many years of effort devoted to building and moderating the e-mail system that has provided you with current data from mountain professionals. Thanks Tom!
Wishing you many safe and exciting adventures.
Peter Tucker
ACMG Executive Director
Peter Tucker
Executive Director
B: +1.403.949.3587
M: +1.403.689.4324
ed@xxxxxxx |