We had a nice day climbing Grassi Ridge today. The route is completely snow
free except for the descent. Traversing to the first notch you must cross
two snow fields, (pictures below). The snow was soft today, which made for
good steps, but we were happy to have small lightweight ice axes with us.
It would be very sporty if frozen, or even without a small ice axe.
Once past the first notch and into the gully (picture) there is
considerable snow before traversing to the second notch, but it is
manageable to sneak around it on the skiers right side. This should seem
obvious once there. The rest of the descent is snow free.
In general, the Lake Ohara area seems to be about 2 weeks behind in terms
of snow coverage. Without a solid freeze, the higher peaks will take a bit
more time for conditions to improve.
Aaron Beardmore
Mountain Guide
(See attached file: Descent snow field.JPG)
(See attached file: Huber Ledges.JPG)
(See attached file: Hungabee.JPG)
(See attached file: Looking down descent gulley.JPG)
(See attached file: Odaray.JPG)
Descent snow field.JPG
Description: JPEG image
Huber Ledges.JPG
Description: JPEG image
Description: JPEG image
Looking down descent gulley.JPG
Description: JPEG image
Description: JPEG image
These observations and opinions are those of the person who submitted them. The
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