As reported by others, winter came to the mountains this past weekend. Up in
the Bugs, we had very snowy conditions putting sunny rock climbing on the shelf
possibly until next summer...?
Near continuous snowfall on Saturday with periods of 2cm/hr and low visibility.
All of the fresh snow made for nice travel up the Bugaboo-Snowpatch col with
good steps the entire way. 10cm+ of fresh (& still accumulating) on the upper
glaciers meant cautious travel as crevasses are now thinly covered with
unsupportive bridges. Travelling roped, lots of probing and careful
route-finding was necessary.
On our hike out via Cobalt Lake Sunday the precipitation continued with the
freezing level at ~2400 metres.
Pigeon Spire & icefall (Saturday)
Bugaboo rappels (Saturday)
Kain hut (Sunday)
Snowpatch Spire (Sunday)

Ken Bélanger & Dave Healey - Apprentice Ski Guides
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