I had the pleasure of guiding 3 fit engineers up Mt Athabasca this morning.
At 0200 temp at 2000m 9C. Drizzle.
We ascended the north ramp. Firn line is at 2800m just below the nunatuk below
the Silverhorn. Firm supportive snow provided great footing in a good track.
Above the ramp the glacier on the plateau is dry. Freezing level was at 3200m
and the upper mountain was rimed. The summit ridge has a breakable crust.
The Silverhorn looks icy. The crevasse just below the base of the Silverhorn is
open almost all the way to the bergschund (photo attached). Looking down at the
AA col route, it also looks icy.
Brent Peters
Apprentice Alpine Guide
CAA Level 2
Yamnuska Mountain Adventures

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