Climbed the right hand side of the Weeping Wall today with Geoff O.
We found excellent conditions on good plastic ice and the climbing lines we
chose were dry. The right hand line felt easier than normal today with the
mild temps and featured ice.
New snow amounts from last night’s storm ranged from 25+cms at Bow Summit
roadside area to 5cms at the Weeping Wall parking lot. No new snow fell
during our time on the wall but winds were light to moderate with occasional
strong wind gusts from the west.
Left side looked wet and centre line looked steep and chandeliery.
Snivelling Gully is also in good shape with only one small section of open
ice/water on the second pitch.
No new avalanches observed on the drive to and from the Weeping Wall but we
noticed strong ridge top winds loading snow onto leeward aspects.
Our biggest hazard today was the parks Canada safety specialists team that
tried to pass us

headless climber