Greetings from the Bugs,
I was up climbing from July 22-25 and flew around the Spires today , Here's
some photos from the last few days that give you an idea what to expect when
travelling around .
All the best,
Dave Cochrane
Mountain Guide & Area Manager - Bugaboos
CMH Heli-Skiing & Summer Adventures
Box 1660, 217 Bear St. Banff Alberta T1L 1J6
T (250) 346-3334 F (403) 762-5879
H (250) 566-9729 C (250) 566-3040
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Description: pigeon bugspatch col 20150623 (2).jpg
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Description: becky chouinard east ck 20150626 (2).jpg
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Description: bugs patch col 20150623 (2).jpg
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Description: bugs patch col 20150623 (4).jpg
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Description: howser pigeon col 20150626.jpg
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Description: howser towers 20150624.jpg
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